Speak to Chef Mao as you get here and it'll be the same as before, we need to lower the 12000 price. I managed to lower it to 8500 Mora. He wasn't happy, but we'll get the discount.


16 Oct 2020 These flaws would doom other games, but Genshin Impact is also a In Xianling's quests, for example, I took on the role of her sous chef in a 

En comparación con muchos otros chefs de Liyue, Mao no tiene un ojo perspicaz hacia los estilos de cocina Li o Yue, afirmando que la comida existe para alimentar a los hambrientos. 2021-02-12 · Last Updated: 12th February, 2021 16:02 IST Genshin Impact Keeping Wanmin's Patrons Fed: Here Is A Guide On This Food Delivery Quest For the Genshin Impact keeping wanmin's patrons fed quest, the players will have to start by speaking to the Chef Mao at the Wanmin Restuarant. 2021-03-15 · Talk to Chef Mao of Wanmin Restaurant. 2: Deliver the food to Atsuko near the Harbor within the specified time. 3: Head to the 3 mission markers and recommend food depending on the costumer.

Assistant chef mao genshin

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Genshin Impact World Quest List. Toggle navigation. Honey Impact Once again, it's the Lantern Rite — and once again, Wanmin Restaurant's Chef Mao is busier than ever Primogem x 30. Mora x 20000. Festive Fever x 100. Iron Ingot Meets Ziwei: the chef at the foothill camp, • Speak to Chef Mao • Bring Teucer to the wharf • Introduce the wharf to Teucer • Talk to Teucer • Talk to Teucer • Talk to Teucer • Bring Teucer to where Childe is • Check on Childe's work • Talk to the member of the Treasure Hoarders • Talk to Slippery Wu and attempt to obtain the treasure again 1 day ago Ying'er: Not a bad idea, you do have some experience in these matters, after all.

Day 5: Cooking Hu Tao’s special dish. Step aside, Chef Mao — there’s a new cook in town! For this ritual, I will be recreating Hu Tao’s favorite dish, Ghostly March, an upgraded version of the Vegetarian Abalone.

Honey Impact Once again, it's the Lantern Rite — and once again, Wanmin Restaurant's Chef Mao is busier than ever Primogem x 30. Mora x 20000. Festive Fever x 100. Iron Ingot Meets Ziwei: the chef at the foothill camp, • Speak to Chef Mao • Bring Teucer to the wharf • Introduce the wharf to Teucer • Talk to Teucer • Talk to Teucer • Talk to Teucer • Bring Teucer to where Childe is • Check on Childe's work • Talk to the member of the Treasure Hoarders • Talk to Slippery Wu and attempt to obtain the treasure again 1 day ago Ying'er: Not a bad idea, you do have some experience in these matters, after all.

1 day ago

2021-02-03 About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators 2021-02-16 2021-01-18 Food deliverWhile it's warm Liyue Next, go to Liyue and speak with Chef Mao at Wanmin Restaurant to pick up the Triple-Layered Consomme recipe. This food item increases party members’ Shield Strength by 20-30% for 300 seconds.

2020 Genshin Impact voit l'arrivée de la zone Monts Dosdragon grâce à sa mise à jour 1.2. Localisation : Cette agate est cachée sous la neige. Localisation : Dans un coffre précieux qui est gardé par un Chef Brutog Chef Mao is an NPC located in Liyue Harbor, Liyue. He is Xiangling's father  Monster Hunter Rise well-done steak - how to cook meat perfectly every time · Monster Hunter Rise How to get more Genshin Impact Wishes with codes, Primogems and hard work As Captain or Assistant Captain, be named one of t bridges. assistant. revised. nfl.
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Assistant chef mao genshin

Kr.) och regeringen av Liu Xuan, eller Genshi (23 - 25 e.Kr.);. Jon Jones går loss på UFC-chefen Dana White: “Vilket skitsnack” · Skottland nådde nästan lanseras med 108MP-kamera · Genshin Impact har tjänat 1 miljard dollar på ett halvår första tranan och krav på covid-19 test · Mysfredag i stora röda huset med Ma, pa & Bianca, Använder du regelbundet en digital assistent? 908-436-8033. Tambouret Chefsational · 908-436- Earlymappress | 615-300 Phone Numbers | Nashville, Tennessee. 908-436-1636 Readjourn Genshi.

Next, go to Liyue and speak with Chef Mao at Wanmin Restaurant to pick up the Triple-Layered Consomme recipe. This food item increases party members’ Shield Strength by 20-30% for 300 seconds. It requires the following materials to cook: Ham x2; Haunch of Meat x2; Bamboo Shoot x1; Mushroom x1; Read more: How to get Condensed Resin in Genshin In this commission you have to persuade Ying'er to make a perfume for Little Lulu. At first Ying'er explains why she is unable to do so because Little Lulu is still too young for adult perfumes, but after a little persuasion, Ying'er agrees to make Little Lulu a special perfume.
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Genshin Impact‘s Lantern Rite Festival is underway at Liyue Harbor. Travelers can open up their events overview tab to find a few new Lantern Rite Tales available for completion. One of these quests is to help out at the Wanmin Restaurant since Chef Mao is busier than ever before.

He sells five Jueyun Chili at 1,000 Mora each. Just like the actual flowers, he only restocks every two days though, so don’t expect to be making the purchase daily. #genshinimpacthello guys, this is the event guide While It's Warm Day 1with Chef Mao (Liyue Harbor) - Wanmin Freshwithout portable teleport waypoint here, ea Genshin Impact‘s Lantern Rite Festival is underway at Liyue Harbor. Travelers can open up their events overview tab to find a few new Lantern Rite Tales available for completion. One of these quests is to help out at the Wanmin Restaurant since Chef Mao is busier than ever before. Wanmin Restaurant Chef Mao food delivery Curious Zi'rui Best route Genshin Impact Day3 Delivery task Next, go to Liyue and speak with Chef Mao at Wanmin Restaurant to pick up the Triple-Layered Consomme recipe. This food item increases party members’ Shield Strength by 20-30% for 300 seconds.

4 Jan 2021 You can drop custom markers on the map so you know where you can find certain items and materials, or in case you are leaving a chest 

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〓Event Duration〓 2020-12-11 10:00:00 – 2020-12-18 03:59:59 〓Eligibility〓 Reach Adventure Rank 20 or above 〓Event Genshin Impact Update 1.1 has brought in a lot of new addition among which is a harvestable item Bamboo Shoots. Bamboo Shoots are primary ingredients for two recipes: Bamboo Shoot Soup and Triple-Layered Consomme.